Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Discomfort in the use of intimate apparel by elderly women: information for product development

Crislaine Gruber, Alexandre Amorim dos Reis, Giovana Zarpellon Mazo

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This paper aims at identify the problems and the factors that cause discomfort in bra use by elderly women. Interviews were conducted with 45 women, aged between 60 and 83, from the Program of University Extension Group of Studies of the Third Age at the State University of Santa Catarina. Regarding the major problems perceived in the use of the bra, the participants highlighted the product sizes grid and certain parts of its structure, mainly the back band, the cups, and the straps. Other problems highlighted were: the rapid degradation of the product, high prices, and sweating. Regarding factors that cause discomfort in the use of the bra, the most cited by the participants was the thermophysiological (48.9%), followed by fitting (37.8%), and sensorial (24.4%). In face of the problems presented by the participants, it is concluded that ergonomics plays a key role in the development of products compatible with the needs, abilities, and limitations of the elderly, which represent a significant portion of the Brazilian population. Results of this study should be considered when designing intimate apparel for the elderly.


ergonomics, elderly women, bra, discomfort assessment, intimate apparel design


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