Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
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Innovation potential assessment of conceptual design alternatives during PDP

Juliane de Bassi Padilha, Carlos Cziulik, Paulo André de Camargo Beltrão

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The quest for product differentiation, associated with shortening in the product life cycle, turns innovation an indispensable element for the organizations competitiveness in the market. Therefore, it is of fundamental importance to address innovation issues during the early stages of the Product Design Process (PDP). The conceptual design stage represents, within the whole design process, a phase in which many of important decisions regarding the new product being developed are taken. Therefore, issues inherent to innovation should be examined at this stage during PDP. The study aims at defining criteria oriented to innovation that can be applied for assessing and ranking conceptual alternatives, to identify the solution that presents the highest potential to become an innovative product in the market. The criteria and subcriteria were defined with support of literature and a reverse analysis. Next, these criteria were incorporated into a working framework named the API_PC Tool. To verify the framework functionalities, an experiment was conducted in a controlled environment, which aimed at simulating a design situation involving the selection of a conceptual design solution for a specific product context. Following, a questionnaire was applied to the participants in order to identify their perception regarding the usage of the proposed approach, as well as, its ability to identify the innovation opportunities during the early stages of PDP.


innovation, conceptual design, selection of design alternatives.


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