Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Visual perception of the physical affordances of a fire extinguisher using an eye tracking device

Yago Weschenfelder Rodrigues, Edson Sidnei Maciel Teixeira, Dulce de Meira Albach, Dalila Campigotto Weiss, Maria Lucia Leite Ribeiro Okimoto

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People who act in emergencies must make decisions based on their perceptions of the environment. Thus, emergency equipment, such as a fire extinguisher, must be identified clearly and quickly (intuitive use). Thereby, this paper presents the visual perception study of a Brazilian extinguisher using Eye Tracking. This case study involves twelve participants who had their eye movements tracked in two different contexts. In the first, participants had no prior information. In the second, they watched a video on the proper use of a fire extinguisher. The visualization differences show that participants changed their viewing points after learning more about the main parts of the product, therefore noticing the physical affordances.


visual perceptions, physical affordances, intuitive use, emergency, fire extinguisher.


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