Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Cooperation of functional areas in agricultural machinery development process

Giuliani Facco, Leonardo N. Romano, César G. dos Santos

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Abstract: With the growth of the agricultural machinery market, due to the need to increase the production of food, it is necessary for companies from this sector to stand out due to their business strategies, but also due to the products and services offered to their clients. Thus, the sector has been searching for best practices to organize and manage its product development processes. This study discusses the Product Development Process taking into consideration its multidisciplinarity, that is, the participation of the several functional areas that intervene on this process. Therefore, the objective of this article is to identify the participation of these functional areas established on a reference model for the Agricultural Machinery Development Process. For such, a structure was created in an attempt to quantify this participation throughout the model. It was possible to identify and determine on a chart the percentage of participation of the functional areas in each phase of the machinery development process. It was observed that, in order to develop the concept of an agricultural machinery and to get to the final product efficiently, the participation of 12 functional areas is necessary throughout the process, acting individually or cooperating together on the prescriptive activities.


product development process, multidisciplinarity, integration, reference model.


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