Product: Management and Development
Product: Management and Development
Original Article

Design for sustainable supply chain: the case of specialty coffees production

Iana Giesbrecht Castello Branco, Andréa Cristina dos Santos

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The parameters that distinguish specialty coffees have to do with economic, social and environmental sustainability of their production in the sense of fostering greater fairness in the relations among the links in the supply chain. However, very little research has been done and very few guidelines have been constructed that would indicate how to adopt Sustainable Supply Chain Management practices and how to proceed. In this context, this research aims to identify guidelines capable of describing the sustainable supply chain of specialty coffee production on small farms in Brazil. The specialty coffees studied in the present research are of high quality rated above the minimum for exportation. It was also observed that farmers have managed two important things: developed relations of fidelity with trading companies so they can accompany the production; and organized themselves and disseminated costs, strengthened cultural patterns and positioned themselves better in the market.


coffee production, sustainable supply chain, specialty coffee, Brazilian coffee, small producers.


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